

What does an engineer like you do in a quantum place like this?

Quantum computing has the potential to be one of the next big things in computing. This talk will discuss how quantum computers work and …


Data-Driven Human-Computer Interaction: experimenting new user experiences using data

The goal of this talk was to present a real case in which we mixed UX + Design + ML + Research and discuss with the BBVA Design team what …

Modern tools to work in AI & Quantum computing

El objetivo de este curso es proporcionar a los asistentes una visiónpráctica, moderna y actualizada del panorama actual …


IBM Quantum Experience Notebooks. Serving JupyterHub at scale for the Quantum Computing Community

How can we enable a complete online experience for IBM’s Quantum Experience ( users to access all of our …

Trabajando en remoto. Herramientas

(Talk in Spanish) Practical overview about some tools I use when working on remote. Talk given to students of Computers Engineering degree …

Practical Data Science and Machine Learning

In this talk, I give a practical and updated overview about Data Science and Machine Learning to the students of the Master on Intelligent …

Using Jupyter: From simple personal notebooks to large deployments with thousands of users

The project Jupyter ( has revolutionized the world of research and data science in the last years. It comprises a lot …


Introducción a la Inteligencia Artificial

(Talk in Spanish) Intro to Artificial Intelligence. Dissemination talk to general audience. Barferencias, Garrido Neighbourhood

Trabajo en remoto. What?

(Talk in Spanish) Practical overview about what is working remotely and what to expect. Talk given to students of Computers Engineering …


Computación cuántica. ¿humo, realidad o futuro? ¿Todo a la vez?

(Talk in Spanish) Outreach talk about Quantum Computing foundation and basic ideas in the context of the event Pint of Science 2018, …

Computación cuántica. ¿Qué es? ¿Qué podemos esperar?

(Talk in Spanish) Brief introduction to Quantum Computing for students of Computers Engineering. Talk given in the Faculty of Sciences, …